for norske klinikere

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H02A B06 Prednisolon - N06A X25 Hyperici herba

ATC1H02A B06 Prednisolon (Prednisolone)
ATC2N06A X25 Hyperici herba
NivåBør ikke kombineres. (les mer...)
KonsekvensNedsatt konsentrasjon av prednison/prednisolon (ca. 30-60 % i rapporter med de kraftige enzyminduktorene rifampicin/karbamazepin/fenobarbital).
HåndteringLegemiddelalternativer: Det kan være det enkleste å seponere johannesurt. Eventuelt kan oppstart med et annet antidepressivt legemiddel, for eksempel et SSRI-preparat, vurderes. Observer at det tar 1-2 uker fra johannesurt seponeres til interaksjonseffekten er borte.
MekanismeØkt metabolisme av prednison/prednisolon via CYP3A4.
GrunnlagIndirekte data
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2.Carrie F, Roblot P, Bouquet S et al. Rifampin-induced nonresponsiveness of giant cell arteritis to prednisone treatment. Arch Intern Med 1994 154 1521–4. Les mer...
3.Bergrem H, Refvem OK. Altered prednisolone pharmacokinetics in patients treated with rifampicin. Acta Med Scand 1983; 213: 339–43. Les mer...
4.Olivesi A. Modified elimination of prednisolone in epileptic patients on carbamazepine monotherapy, and in women using low-dose oral contraceptives. Biomed Pharmacother 1986; 40: 301–8. Les mer...
5.Bartoszek M, Brenner AM, Szefler SJ. Prednisolone and methylprednisolone kinetics in children receiving anticonvulsant therapy. Clin Pharmacol Ther; 1987; 42: 424–32. Les mer...
6.Sato A, Katada S, Sato M, Kobayashi H. A case of polymyalgia rheumatica with improved steroid-responsibility after discontinuing carbamazepine. No To Shinkei 2004; 56: 61–3. Les mer...
7.Gambertoglio JG, Holford NHG, Kapusnik JE et al. Disposition of total and unbound prednisolone in renal transplant patients receiving anticonvulsants. Kidney Int 1984; 25: 119–23. Les mer...
8.Brooks PM, Buchanan WW, Grove M et al. Effects of enzyme induction on metabolism of prednisolone. Clinical and laboratory study. Ann Rheum Dis 1976; 35: 339–43. Les mer...

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